With heartfelt
thanks to Kym
Travis Jon Allison, melissa atkinson-graham,
Franko B, Kim Banks, Jerry Barksdale "I", luma bee, whitney just chaos,
Karen Christopher, Tara Jill Ciccarone, Amy Corle, Lexi Crneckiy, Shane
Curley, Theodora Danylevich, John Fenderson, C.S.F. was once., Daryle
D. Fountain, Michaela Frandy, Julia E. Gambone, Matt Haugh, Katherine
Hearn, Eriq Scott Herman I, helen varley jamieson, Sarah Kamens, Jess
Kilby, Miriam Krekel and her son Matthijs Herzberg, Marin Lewis, Karla
Linden, Beeez London, Randall J. Lotowycz, Krista
Madsen, David Meiklejohn, Sean Meyer, Rick Moody, Johanna Moorman,
Molly Moran, Thomas Morgan, clair morGantini, Stephanie Morton, Tabb
Muñoz, Christina M. Okeson, Ann Pellegrini, Tommer Peterson,
Picciotti, Saara Myrene Raappana, Cristina George Rizen, Julie Robbins,
Nicholas Royle, Pauline Simons, Matthew Smith, Juliana Snapper, Theresa
Stinson, Paul Stinson, Adam Tobin, Anne Townsend, Alexis Turner, Corry
Venema-Weiss, Valerie Vertz, Kelly Vickers, Matias Viegener, Steve
Wenzel, Corey J. White, Jos Wiersma, BAM/PFA Digital Content Producer
Dave Taylor and BAM/PFA Digital Media interns, Luke Shock and Estefania
Sequeira--and to many more who preferred to go unnamed.
The Skin video rearranges 191 words from the original story into a
whole new story that is read aloud, collectively, by the words
themselves. Originally commissioned by the Berkeley Art Museum, it was
on display on their net art portal from March 1 - May 31, 2011.
"Shelley Jackson's story 'Skin' exists only in the flesh -- the flesh
of about 2,000 volunteers. In 2003, when she wrote the story, she
called for participants to each be tattooed with a single word (some
also get a bit of punctuation, like 'ankles,' with the comma included).
The story has never been published in any other form...[For] the
Berkeley Art Museum, Jackson has cut together video footage from a
small set of participants to tell a new sub-'Skin' story. Recently
Jackson e-mailed them to ask that they record a video of their word
tattoo, and to say the word. From those words recorded by participants,
she's edited and assembled a new story."